
Text from Kenko, 'Essays in Idleness', translated by Donald Keene.
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, Michael Szpakowski

Sound1; French Horn sample, echo.
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, Michael Szpakowski

Images, give it a little time :)
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0"><param name=movie value=><param name=quality value="best"><param name=menu value=false><param name=wmode value=transparent><embed src="" quality=best wmode=transparent type="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=""></embed></object>

, Michael Szpakowski

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, Michael Szpakowski

Sound 2; French Horn sample, echo
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0"><param name=movie value=><param name=quality value="best"><param name=menu value=false><param name=wmode value=transparent><embed src="" quality=best wmode=transparent type="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE=""></embed></object>

, Max Herman

One Cannot Not Communicate (Man kann nicht nicht kommunizieren): Every behaviour is a kind of communication. Because behaviour does not have a counterpart (there is no anti-behaviour), it is not possible not to communicate.
Every communication has a content and relationship aspect such that the latter classifies the former and is therefore a metacommunication.: This means that all communication includes, apart from the plain meaning of words, more information - information on how the talker wants to be understood and how he himself sees his relation to the receiver of information.
The nature of a relationship is dependent on the punctuation of the partners communication procedures: Both the talker and the receiver of information structure the communication flow differently and therefore interpret their own behaviour during communicating as merely a reaction on the other's behaviour (i.e. every partner thinks the other one is the cause of a specific behaviour). Human communication cannot be desolved into plain causation and reaction strings, communication rather appears to be cyclic.
Human communication involves both digital and analog modalities: Communication does not involve the merely spoken words (digital communication), but non-verbal and analog-verbal communication as well.
Inter-human communication procedures are either symmetric or complementary, depending on whether the relationship of the partners is based on differences or parity.


, Vijay Pattisapu

One can stop communicating by hiding oneself.

"Every communication has a content and relationship aspect such that the latter classifies the former and is therefore a metacommunication.: This means that all communication includes, apart from the plain meaning of words, more information - information on how the talker wants to be understood and how he himself sees his relation to the receiver of information."

If the receiver doesn't know that the speaker exists, either person could keep gyrating through communicative/receptive performance in vain.



, Max Herman

I wondered about that too. I suppose Watzlawick would say that hiding has a communicative meaning or effect? He says there is no such thing as anti-behavior, so hiding would communicate something. Either that, or it is quite possible and maybe often desirable not to communicate, and Watzlawick's theory would then be wrong due to a quite simple blunder. There must be some accounting for hiding. Just clamming up overtly, that sends a message. But hiding completely, sending no information at all, maybe you're correct Vijay. Even if Watzlawick has then a couple of extreme errors, he still might have some other separate ideas that are OK and unaffected by the errors–perhaps.

, Max Herman

Hi Vijay, the below (also from Wikipedia) might answer the issue. Communication can definitely be broken and doesn't have to occur. He meant his first principle in the weaker sense, i.e. that during a communication process (in which each party is by definition not hidden) even silence communicates or has a communicative impact.

This covers both hiding, and two agents who don't know the other exists. So, I won't write Watzlawick off quite yet. He also had some ideas about how the brain forms knowledge using a sort of autopoetic process, radical constructivism, that relates to Varela and Maturana. Brett Stallbaum and C5 I think have talked about autopoesis.

Also, I'm going back off list again after today, just back to announce that the conference winners page is up. Plus, is it possible to have an "announcements" section in addition to the discussion, calendar, and opportunities sections? Most of the items in the discussion section are just announcements but I wasn't sure where else to post the G2K conference winners page announcement.


Watzlawick defines five (5) basic axioms in his theory on communication that are necessary to have a functioning communication between two individuals. If one of these axioms is somehow disturbed, communication might fail. All of these axioms are derived form the work of Gregory Bateson, much of which is collected in Steps to an Ecology of Mind (1972).

One Cannot Not Communicate (Man kann nicht nicht kommunizieren): Every behaviour is a kind of communication. Because behaviour does not have a counterpart (there is no anti-behaviour), it is not possible not to communicate.

, Max Herman

Also, I can only see the third of Michael's images. Is it just a download time factor?