Rhizome’s digital preservation program supports ongoing access to born-digital culture.
In addition to conserving individual artworks and other cultural artifacts, the Rhizome preservation team develops infrastructure, researches and pilots new preservation methods, and engages with open-source software projects. The program was initiated in response to the needs of the ArtBase, Rhizome’s archive of born-digital artworks. Today, it aims to develop approaches to born-digital art conservation in support of the field as a whole.
Rhizome offers Preservation Services to collecting institutions, community organizations, and artist studios.
Preservation Services -
Rhizome #ArtBase, an archive of more than 2000 born-digital artworks dating back to the 1980s.
ArtBase -
Conifer is Rhizome's premier user-driven hosted web archiving and hosted service to easily create and share high-fidelity, fully interactive copies of almost any website.