Rhizome Staff post, #blog posts...

Rhizome Staff post, community posts...

Rhizome Staff post, comments...

  • Am 05.09.2006 um 14:58 schrieb Pall Thayer:Looking over the submission form for this and it asks for "social security … Read more
  • , Rhizome Staff post in new media
    There is a lot to do on the internet concern new media, technotexts, etc. Most of the artists are trapped … Read more
  • Grants for Researchers in Residence: Deadline October 31, 2006This year, the deadline for submission of research proposals for the … Read more
  • Make Money With Pay-Pal!! Seen on Oprah!! VeryGet Your PAYPAL CASH Gift Today! This thing really works, all you … Read more
  • , Rhizome Staff post in ///4))
    ///4))et{etetetetetetdocument.MM_pgW=innerWidth;etdocument.MM_pgH=innerHeight;etonresize=MM_reloadPage;et}}etetetetelseetifet(innerWidth!=document.MM_pgWet||etinnerHeight!=document.MM_pgH)etlocation.reload();etet}etetMM_reloadPage(true);etet//etetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetetet etetByetFredericetMad///etresizedetetetetifet(init==true)etwithet(navigator)et{ifet((appName=="Netscape")&&(parseInt(appVersion)==4))et{etetetetetetdocument.MM_pgW=innerWidth;etdocument.MM_pgH=innerHeight;etonresize=MM_reloadPage;et}}etetetetelseetifet(innerWidth!=document.MM_pgWet||etinnerHeight!=document.MHTTP/1.1et404etetDate:etMon,et28etAuget2006et16:11:44etGMTetetServer:etApache/1.3.37etetXetPoweredetBy:etPHP/5.1.1etetConnection:etcloseetetContentetType:ettext/htmletetetetNoetinputetfileetspecified.etetetetetetetethttp://pleineetpeau.com/vignettes/n.php?Id?1–X-Powered-By: http://x257.com/ Read more
  • THIS IS SPUR MCGUFFINDie Sonne brennt uns tagsuber das Hirn aus der Kalotte! Und was ubrig =bleibt, druckt … Read more
  • >> Artists: Darko Fritz, Andreja Kuluncic, Dalibor Martinis, Ivan Marusic > Klif, Magdalena Pederin, Slaven Tolj, Goran Trbuljak> … Read more
  • Am 19.08.2006 um 17:19 schrieb <[email protected]>:> A blogject is one of those things that has a certain kind of … Read more
  • wrote:> http://www.blog-art.com/cellule0038753k/in_progress_maintenant/2006/08/12/spam_spam_spam_v21.html> enjoy…http://www.blog-art.com/cellule0038753k/in_progress_maintenant/2006/08/12/spam_spam_spam_v21.html Read more
  • Personally I suspect the underlying problem is the idea of doing a book onnew media. This somehow misses the … Read more