Office Hours : Internet Pigeon Network with Helga Tawil-Souri

Image by Briana Griffin, Community Designer, Rhizome. 

🐬 Join the Rhizome Discord to attend the online event! 

Last week, Rhizome announched the re-opening of our discord group, a space where members can keep up with conversations in digital culture, share internet discoveries, current work, and pitch ideas for community-led events. Our first event was a conversation with Cem-A of freeze_magazine on ‘situated memes.'

Tomorrow, January 19 at 5pm, Briana Griffin, Community Designer at Rhizome, will interview Helga Tawil-Souri on the Internet Pigeon Network, a speculative, community-organized, affordable, and resilient internet infrastructure for the Gaza Strip. 

Feel free to email [email protected] with any questions or feedback.

