Documentation from Our Friend the Computer launch is now online!

In April, Rhizome hosted the launch of a new zine by Our Friend the Computer, a technology history podcast hosted by Camila Galaz and Ana Meisel.  

Rhizome Community Designer Bri Griffin joined Camila and Ana in the Rhizome Discord, where they discussed pre-internet networks, Skeuomorphic design trends, "aesthetic obsolescence," their new digital zine, and more.

An audio recording of the Discord event is now available.

Whether you choose to listen to this interview on your Samsung Galaxy Z Fold6, Unihertz Jelly Star, or sticker-blasted MacBook Air, it is easy to overlook the lineage, technological development, and marketing that brought our devices to us. Thanks to Our Friend the computer, these lesser-known histories are preserved and made accessible right at our fingertips!