Weird dream / Final thread for 2008


I had this weird dream last night. I was stealing some lettuce with my dad, and we ended up sort of messing up the lettuce patch. So, I went inside the owners' house to apologize and face up. Then, they said “I wonder if the eagles will come back!” Turns out they were nesting in the lettuce. Then, when we got back out there my dad had skedaddled and left some tire tracks. Then someone said "Oh my God look!" and there was a baby eagle by the side of the patch, which was only 5 feet or so across. He was sort of nudged in next to the stone border but away from the tire track. He was apologizing that he wasn't going to make it, but that wasn't for sure. We looked for the other eaglets and I found one nestled down among some eggshells but he looked OK. Then he tried to peck a piece of dirt off my face which I'd gotten trying to steal the lettuce. I then knew they could maybe be saved but we'd have to take them to the wildlife rescue experts. You might think I've made this up for effect but honest to goodness it was real.

So what does all this mean? I have no idea. Just some personal issues but it made me hopeful I can work through them. As to broaching a new art-historical period via discussion on Rhizome, I am plain old not sure as well as doubtful. Maybe it's absolutely OK to have a quieter phase with not a lot of argument and bombast on the list such as I used to partake of. If it is actually a new 500-year period we're in it will almost certainly take care of itself and develop fine even without lots of public argument about it just yet. Therefore I can step free from any obligation to discuss it in public forums, and rather study it along the lines of personal aesthetic and emotional development a la The Blue Cup. This will definitely be a big change for me and for my Rhizome list activities, but it could be for the better.



, Vijay Pattisapu

Interesting story. What is the Blue Cup?

, Max Herman


Hi Vijay,

That's the verse play I wrote for this year's conference, at

Kind of addressing the issues of discussion, society, proper taboos, etc. I didn't have time to type it so I just scanned the pages, but I might re-type it in the future. Overall, you might say the idea is that it's best if everyone creates their own Genius 2000 Network, without calling it that or even necessarily thinking of it as a conscious activity. Doing that would preserve the ongoing evolution of art, to the proper way, and avoid demagoguery. Then people who wanted to do something else can do so, and only be interfered with when the system guardians decide it's required.


, Alex Nodopaka

To Max Herman,

I am glad you decided to live life
the way it should be

Do not tell me about how mine
I cannot live it through yours

, Alex Nodopaka

To Max Herman,

I am glad you decided to live life
the way it should be

Do not tell me about mine
I cannot live it through yours