Final Post for the Genius 2000 Conference 2008

Hi All,

Submissions to the rolling page will still be accepted up till 12 CST tonight 9/15. I've finally posted my submission there at

I apologize for not being able to post much during this conference but I've been tremendously busy with buying a house! Yes, a lovely house. There will be a photo of it with some other 2008 items at the general archive of my site in the next few days.

Regarding general topics here on Rhizome, as you may know I only post during set times of the year on the list anymore, though I used to post very often. These times are during the conference, for one week when winners are announced, for one week when the next year's conference is announced, and for the first week of the year if I have a new year's project to announce.

For current topics, I think they all still derive in some way from the fact we are in a new art-historical period. I call this one High Networkism, and the previous one is Postmodernism, but the default or limbo between them is Network Postmodernism. This is not of course guaranteed correct.

Regarding other topics, I was a little irritated that MTAA created a work called Yes/No without referencing my own project called that from 1999. I don't know if it's inappropriate or not of them but I thought I would just mention it. Also, I felt badly that Tom Moody said someone on Rhizome had this bad idea called Networkism, but he didn't credit me with it. That seems like it would've been fair I think.

As to the overall state of Rhizome, it certainly has changed a lot over the years. One aspect which is now more noticeable is the two-pronged approach it has, i.e. established artworld and DIY, or insider and outsider. This is certainly OK to have both I think. The insider part has developed a lot for sure, and if the outsider part is less so I think that's more on the outsiders, but that's just my point of view and could be wrong.

Best wishes to everyone for a good fall season!

Max Herman



, Michael Szpakowski

Hi Max
The Blue Cup would be easier to follow if there was a link forward from each page to the next…

, Michael Szpakowski

…although I bet it's the first time anyone has posted 1500 lines of iambic pentameters to Rhizome. The conceptualists amongst us might say that's enough.. but it depends upon how you want it to be read. I suspect you want people to *read* it rather than simply relish each handwritten fragment as a kind of art-fetish, though there is a loveliness about those fragments, as there is about your watercolours…

, d

nice broken link you fucking retarded sloth

, Michael Szpakowski

Maybe I'm over sensitive but this seems an unnecessarily rude way to point this out.