The way of the net. And art. And business.

Well, isn't lack of discussion the way of the net in general, not just here?
Quantity over quality - it's not about having something interesting to say, it's
about empowering any two-bit retard to say whatever pathetic drivel they can
crank out, and as long as it goes to as many people as possible, it's
successful. Spam, blogs, wikis, youtube. Congratulations. Web 2.0 is all the
same in its infinite mediocrity and incessant noise, but hallelujah amen I think
30,000 people just heard me say that, and isn't THAT the importance of
networking, after all? It's not what you know, it's who and how loud.

Networking and nepotism for dummies. The way of the world.

<blink><font size="100000000"></font></blink>


, Pall Thayer

Well, I'll take a two-bit (shouldn't that be eight bits?) retard's
drivel over nothing at all any day. At least it has the potential to
generate more meaningful discourse.

Pall Thayer

On 22-Dec-06, at 2:17 PM, Alexis Turner wrote:

> Well, isn't lack of discussion the way of the net in general, not
> just here? Quantity over quality - it's not about having something
> interesting to say, it's about empowering any two-bit retard to say
> whatever pathetic drivel they can crank out, and as long as it goes
> to as many people as possible, it's successful. Spam, blogs,
> wikis, youtube. Congratulations. Web 2.0 is all the same in its
> infinite mediocrity and incessant noise, but hallelujah amen I
> think 30,000 people just heard me say that, and isn't THAT the
> importance of networking, after all? It's not what you know, it's
> who and how loud.
> Networking and nepotism for dummies. The way of the world.
> -Alexis
> <blink><font size="100000000"></font></blink>
> +
> -> post: [email protected]
> -> questions: [email protected]
> -> subscribe/unsubscribe:
> subscribe.rhiz
> -> give:
> +
> Subscribers to Rhizome are subject to the terms set out in the
> Membership Agreement available online at
> 29.php

Pall Thayer
[email protected]

, Alexis Turner

I'd rather get jumped by a single ugly chick than none at all, but that
doesn't mean I want a dog-pile of ugliness on Alexis. After about the 10th
girl at once, I'd smother to death.

Likewise, a single retard is harmless and probably preferable to nothing. But
there is no flood control on the net. Eventually, it is the size of the
deluge of adverts and other useless nonsense that causes the meaningful
discourse you seek to drown, suffocated under sheer bulk. Too much of a good
thing, perhaps.

On Fri, 22 Dec 2006, Pall Thayer wrote:

::Well, I'll take a two-bit (shouldn't that be eight bits?) retard's drivel over
::nothing at all any day. At least it has the potential to generate more
::meaningful discourse.
::Pall Thayer
::On 22-Dec-06, at 2:17 PM, Alexis Turner wrote:
::> Well, isn't lack of discussion the way of the net in general, not just here?
::> Quantity over quality - it's not about having something interesting to say,
::> it's about empowering any two-bit retard to say whatever pathetic drivel
::> they can crank out, and as long as it goes to as many people as possible,
::> it's successful. Spam, blogs, wikis, youtube. Congratulations. Web 2.0 is
::> all the same in its infinite mediocrity and incessant noise, but hallelujah
::> amen I think 30,000 people just heard me say that, and isn't THAT the
::> importance of networking, after all? It's not what you know, it's who and
::> how loud.
::> Networking and nepotism for dummies. The way of the world.
::> -Alexis
::> <blink><font size="100000000"></font></blink>
::> +
::> -> post: [email protected]
::> -> questions: [email protected]
::> -> subscribe/unsubscribe:
::> -> give:
::> +
::> Subscribers to Rhizome are subject to the terms set out in the
::> Membership Agreement available online at
::Pall Thayer
::[email protected]

, Michael Szpakowski

Is ugly & dehumanising language about women more
acceptable if it comes from a woman? Doesn't seem so
to me, any more than your glib use of 'retard'…Maybe
you're so smart that it's amusing to use the
misfortune or difficulty of others as an insult.
I don't think I'd want that kind of clever.

— Alexis Turner <[email protected]>

> I'd rather get jumped by a single ugly chick than
> none at all, but that
> doesn't mean I want a dog-pile of ugliness on
> Alexis. After about the 10th
> girl at once, I'd smother to death.
> Likewise, a single retard is harmless and probably
> preferable to nothing. But
> there is no flood control on the net. Eventually,
> it is the size of the
> deluge of adverts and other useless nonsense that
> causes the meaningful
> discourse you seek to drown, suffocated under sheer
> bulk. Too much of a good
> thing, perhaps.
> -Alexis
> On Fri, 22 Dec 2006, Pall Thayer wrote:
> ::Well, I'll take a two-bit (shouldn't that be eight
> bits?) retard's drivel over
> ::nothing at all any day. At least it has the
> potential to generate more
> ::meaningful discourse.
> ::
> ::Pall Thayer
> ::
> ::On 22-Dec-06, at 2:17 PM, Alexis Turner wrote:
> ::
> ::> Well, isn't lack of discussion the way of the
> net in general, not just here?
> ::> Quantity over quality - it's not about having
> something interesting to say,
> ::> it's about empowering any two-bit retard to say
> whatever pathetic drivel
> ::> they can crank out, and as long as it goes to as
> many people as possible,
> ::> it's successful. Spam, blogs, wikis, youtube.
> Congratulations. Web 2.0 is
> ::> all the same in its infinite mediocrity and
> incessant noise, but hallelujah
> ::> amen I think 30,000 people just heard me say
> that, and isn't THAT the
> ::> importance of networking, after all? It's not
> what you know, it's who and
> ::> how loud.
> ::>
> ::> Networking and nepotism for dummies. The way of
> the world.
> ::> -Alexis
> ::>
> ::> <blink><font
> ::> +
> ::> -> post: [email protected]
> ::> -> questions: [email protected]
> ::> -> subscribe/unsubscribe:
> ::> -> give:
> ::> +
> ::> Subscribers to Rhizome are subject to the terms
> set out in the
> ::> Membership Agreement available online at
> ::>
> ::
> ::
> ::
> ::–
> ::Pall Thayer
> ::[email protected]
> ::
> ::
> ::
> ::
> ::
> ::
> +
> -> post: [email protected]
> -> questions: [email protected]
> -> subscribe/unsubscribe:
> -> give:
> +
> Subscribers to Rhizome are subject to the terms set
> out in the
> Membership Agreement available online at

, Alexis Turner

I'm not going to apologize if that's what you're looking for. If anything, you
prove the point I have made previously, in which it is easy to get overwhelmed
from actually thinking about an issue by the horrible, horrible suffocation of
noise. My point is valid, but the ribbons and bows it is tied in distract.
Now we can't have a discussion about why the list is dead, and instead we have
to have an ad hominem discussion about what a terrible bitch I am. Likewise,
the endless parade of advertisements tire us out, distract us, make us quiet
when we should be talking because we simply don't have the inner resources to
pick the single useful notes out of the cacophony.

PS: for the record, "dehumanizing" would be saying that the only thing chicks
are good for is jumping on me. But saying that I would like a girl to jump on
me is simply "crass." There IS a difference.

But to be fair, I'll go ahead and retract "retard" in favor of "dumbass," even
though I believe that "retard" as a word has become an entity separate from its
origin. If I do that, can we please stop having such a gay discussion?

On Fri, 22 Dec 2006, Michael Szpakowski wrote:

::Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2006 15:39:15 -0800 (PST)
::From: Michael Szpakowski <[email protected]>
::To: Alexis Turner <[email protected]>
::Cc: [email protected]
::Subject: Re: RHIZOME_RAW: The way of the net. And art. And business.
::Is ugly & dehumanising language about women more
::acceptable if it comes from a woman? Doesn't seem so
::to me, any more than your glib use of 'retard'…Maybe
::you're so smart that it's amusing to use the
::misfortune or difficulty of others as an insult.
::I don't think I'd want that kind of clever.
::— Alexis Turner <[email protected]>
::> I'd rather get jumped by a single ugly chick than
::> none at all, but that
::> doesn't mean I want a dog-pile of ugliness on
::> Alexis. After about the 10th
::> girl at once, I'd smother to death.
::> Likewise, a single retard is harmless and probably
::> preferable to nothing. But
::> there is no flood control on the net. Eventually,
::> it is the size of the
::> deluge of adverts and other useless nonsense that
::> causes the meaningful
::> discourse you seek to drown, suffocated under sheer
::> bulk. Too much of a good
::> thing, perhaps.
::> -Alexis
::> On Fri, 22 Dec 2006, Pall Thayer wrote:
::> ::Well, I'll take a two-bit (shouldn't that be eight
::> bits?) retard's drivel over
::> ::nothing at all any day. At least it has the
::> potential to generate more
::> ::meaningful discourse.
::> ::
::> ::Pall Thayer
::> ::
::> ::On 22-Dec-06, at 2:17 PM, Alexis Turner wrote:
::> ::
::> ::> Well, isn't lack of discussion the way of the
::> net in general, not just here?
::> ::> Quantity over quality - it's not about having
::> something interesting to say,
::> ::> it's about empowering any two-bit retard to say
::> whatever pathetic drivel
::> ::> they can crank out, and as long as it goes to as
::> many people as possible,
::> ::> it's successful. Spam, blogs, wikis, youtube.
::> Congratulations. Web 2.0 is
::> ::> all the same in its infinite mediocrity and
::> incessant noise, but hallelujah
::> ::> amen I think 30,000 people just heard me say
::> that, and isn't THAT the
::> ::> importance of networking, after all? It's not
::> what you know, it's who and
::> ::> how loud.
::> ::>
::> ::> Networking and nepotism for dummies. The way of
::> the world.
::> ::> -Alexis
::> ::>
::> ::> <blink><font
::> ::> +
::> ::> -> post: [email protected]
::> ::> -> questions: [email protected]
::> ::> -> subscribe/unsubscribe:
::> ::> -> give:
::> ::> +
::> ::> Subscribers to Rhizome are subject to the terms
::> set out in the
::> ::> Membership Agreement available online at
::> ::>
::> ::
::> ::
::> ::
::> ::–
::> ::Pall Thayer
::> ::[email protected]
::> ::
::> ::
::> ::
::> ::
::> ::
::> ::
::> +
::> -> post: [email protected]
::> -> questions: [email protected]
::> -> subscribe/unsubscribe:
::> -> give:
::> +
::> Subscribers to Rhizome are subject to the terms set
::> out in the
::> Membership Agreement available online at

, Pall Thayer

Michael, you're attempting to turn a comment, perhaps questionably
phrased, into an insult towards a group of people that the comment is
obviously not directed towards. I read an article the other day about
a man in Glasgow who ordered a 'black coffee' and was refused service
due to the racial connotations of his order. Absurd, no? 'Retarded'
could also refer to a plant who's growth suffered due to poor weather
conditions. The rhizomatic roots of our plant have been retarded by
lack of meaningful discussion, let's not kill it altogether with this
kind of criticism that evades the issues.

I'd be much more interested in hearing what you have to say about the
actual issues.

Pall Thayer

On 22-Dec-06, at 6:39 PM, Michael Szpakowski wrote:

> Is ugly & dehumanising language about women more
> acceptable if it comes from a woman? Doesn't seem so
> to me, any more than your glib use of 'retard'…Maybe
> you're so smart that it's amusing to use the
> misfortune or difficulty of others as an insult.
> I don't think I'd want that kind of clever.
> michael
> — Alexis Turner <[email protected]>
> wrote:
>> I'd rather get jumped by a single ugly chick than
>> none at all, but that
>> doesn't mean I want a dog-pile of ugliness on
>> Alexis. After about the 10th
>> girl at once, I'd smother to death.
>> Likewise, a single retard is harmless and probably
>> preferable to nothing. But
>> there is no flood control on the net. Eventually,
>> it is the size of the
>> deluge of adverts and other useless nonsense that
>> causes the meaningful
>> discourse you seek to drown, suffocated under sheer
>> bulk. Too much of a good
>> thing, perhaps.
>> -Alexis
>> On Fri, 22 Dec 2006, Pall Thayer wrote:
>> ::Well, I'll take a two-bit (shouldn't that be eight
>> bits?) retard's drivel over
>> ::nothing at all any day. At least it has the
>> potential to generate more
>> ::meaningful discourse.
>> ::
>> ::Pall Thayer
>> ::
>> ::On 22-Dec-06, at 2:17 PM, Alexis Turner wrote:
>> ::
>> ::> Well, isn't lack of discussion the way of the
>> net in general, not just here?
>> ::> Quantity over quality - it's not about having
>> something interesting to say,
>> ::> it's about empowering any two-bit retard to say
>> whatever pathetic drivel
>> ::> they can crank out, and as long as it goes to as
>> many people as possible,
>> ::> it's successful. Spam, blogs, wikis, youtube.
>> Congratulations. Web 2.0 is
>> ::> all the same in its infinite mediocrity and
>> incessant noise, but hallelujah
>> ::> amen I think 30,000 people just heard me say
>> that, and isn't THAT the
>> ::> importance of networking, after all? It's not
>> what you know, it's who and
>> ::> how loud.
>> ::>
>> ::> Networking and nepotism for dummies. The way of
>> the world.
>> ::> -Alexis
>> ::>
>> ::> <blink><font
> size="100000000"></font></blink>
>> ::> +
>> ::> -> post: [email protected]
>> ::> -> questions: [email protected]
>> ::> -> subscribe/unsubscribe:
>> ::> -> give:
>> ::> +
>> ::> Subscribers to Rhizome are subject to the terms
>> set out in the
>> ::> Membership Agreement available online at
>> ::>
>> ::
>> ::
>> ::
>> ::–
>> ::Pall Thayer
>> ::[email protected]
>> ::
>> ::
>> ::
>> ::
>> ::
>> ::
>> +
>> -> post: [email protected]
>> -> questions: [email protected]
>> -> subscribe/unsubscribe:
>> -> give:
>> +
>> Subscribers to Rhizome are subject to the terms set
>> out in the
>> Membership Agreement available online at
> +
> -> post: [email protected]
> -> questions: [email protected]
> -> subscribe/unsubscribe:
> subscribe.rhiz
> -> give:
> +
> Subscribers to Rhizome are subject to the terms set out in the
> Membership Agreement available online at
> 29.php

Pall Thayer
[email protected]

, Rob Myers

Alexis Turner wrote:

> If I do that, can we please stop having such a gay discussion?

The discussion has hardly been cheerful and carefree so far.

Oh, wait.


There is a dearth of actual writing about art, all art, at the moment.
Money is talking, and bullshit is walking around looking very pleased
with itself in the urgently pointless form of Theory (or Artbollocks, to
give it its proper name here). We have only ourselves to blame, we can
see the raw material for some sort of "art" even at art fairs. There's a
territory to be won (or held in trust for future generations) but the
maps are either blank (cf Lewis Carrol or Art & Language) or covered
entirely with a picture of a Hydra and the legend "here be dragons".

Ages tend to get the art that they can produce. They don't always tend
to understand the art they produce. The horror of silent, pointless,
slick, biedermeier, aesthetic retro isn't just a problem in art. This
feast need a skeleton, not zombies.

As for empowering the ignorant or foolish to shout as loud as genii, I
will fight ot the death for their right to do so. Anti-democratic
sentiment is not the correct response to a printed sea of shit. A better
shovel is. Filtering is what social networks are for and any theory of
creativity recognizes that the best way to find one good idea is to go
through hundreds of bad ones. I have networked through blogs, yes, but I
have also discovered uncomfortable truths and found vocal critics of my
own work and ideas, which helps to improve or correct what I do. I would
rather have a large open discussion that I have to ignore 99.99999% of
in order to find a few diamonds than only have the choice of a few turds
made for me by a magazine.

Networking and nepostism always have been and always will be. It's the
content of the networks that is important (or at least tractable), not
their iniquitous structure. Art always has been an expensive luxury
good. The only thing that is new is the attempt to base economies on it,
which is pretty fucked up.

"This isn't a problem, it's an opportunity". So what are we actually to

- Rob.

Whom or what are you going to blame for (example)'bad result in
business':workers,directors,bad government politics,global disastrous
situation in world,God…?
Same's with Rhizome but you should read backwards because of better view.And
dilemma is:whom or what are you are going to *sacrifice* for Rhizome

, Rhizomer

On 12/23/06, Rob Myers <[email protected]> wrote:
> As for empowering the ignorant or foolish to shout as loud as genii, I
> will fight ot the death for their right to do so. Anti-democratic
> sentiment is not the correct response to a printed sea of shit. A better
> shovel is. Filtering is what social networks are for and any theory of
> creativity recognizes that the best way to find one good idea is to go
> through hundreds of bad ones.

… my holistic/rhizomatic/jigsaw formulation of wot can
constitute a type of resistance 2 overarching ideologically-defined
systems, a devotee's flickr pictures of movies stars mite indicate
some time of action of their own - the ability, on the most micro-of
lvls, 2 organise, activate, or initialise some type of
learning/cogitation/motivation [in contrast 2 overt
in-ur-face-quantifiable activist Stimulus-Object-Response
type]…..i'd much prefer 2 absorb the twittering cutsie output of a
blogger who devotes their time 2 documenting their luv of kittens than
cringe at ppl convinced that they cannot make a discernable difference
unless they perform "concrete activities"…ie who may also feel
compelled 2 display [thru polarisations/rhetoric such as "if your not
with us ur against us"] an orientation advocating apathy + helpless
due 2 binary oppositions trotted out by ppl intent on saving them from
their capitalistic servitude via an internalised dominator

–LFG Curiosity, Play, or Xperimention PST–
——— ——

, Eric Dymond

> I'd rather get jumped by a single ugly chick than none at all, but that
> doesn't mean I want a dog-pile of ugliness on Alexis. After about the
> 10th
> girl at once, I'd smother to death.

well breathing is important, it always will be.
but your physical state is off topic, but it sounds OK, but really you've
bent the meaning in a funny way.
I could say that I like chocolate more than ginger, but it's not pertinent
to the argument.., but it's still true.
> Likewise, a single retard is harmless and probably preferable to nothing.

well, your an American, and your president is … Bush???
so I can blame you. It dooesn't matter if you voted for him or not. Guilt
by association stands true. You must also be a Bush.

> But
> there is no flood control on the net. Eventually, it is the size of the
> deluge of adverts and other useless nonsense that causes the meaningful
> discourse you seek to drown, suffocated under sheer bulk. Too much of a
> good
> thing, perhaps.
still, nothing here helps to create a commons for discourse. Great
complaints and wonderous cynicism still avoids answering the problem which
actually requires some thought.
Get back to us when you can address the issue without malformed metaphors
and out of context similes.
Like any essay, an argument need form.

> -Alexis
> On Fri, 22 Dec 2006, Pall Thayer wrote:
> ::Well, I'll take a two-bit (shouldn't that be eight bits?) retard's
> drivel over
> ::nothing at all any day. At least it has the potential to generate more
> ::meaningful discourse.
> ::
> ::Pall Thayer
> ::
> ::On 22-Dec-06, at 2:17 PM, Alexis Turner wrote:
> ::
> ::> Well, isn't lack of discussion the way of the net in general, not just
> here?
> ::> Quantity over quality - it's not about having something interesting to
> say,
> ::> it's about empowering any two-bit retard to say whatever pathetic
> drivel
> ::> they can crank out, and as long as it goes to as many people as
> possible,
> ::> it's successful. Spam, blogs, wikis, youtube. Congratulations. Web
> 2.0 is
> ::> all the same in its infinite mediocrity and incessant noise, but
> hallelujah
> ::> amen I think 30,000 people just heard me say that, and isn't THAT the
> ::> importance of networking, after all? It's not what you know, it's who
> and
> ::> how loud.
> ::>
> ::> Networking and nepotism for dummies. The way of the world.
> ::> -Alexis
> ::>
> ::> <blink><font size="100000000"></font></blink>
> ::> +
> ::> -> post: [email protected]
> ::> -> questions: [email protected]
> ::> -> subscribe/unsubscribe:
> ::> -> give:
> ::> +
> ::> Subscribers to Rhizome are subject to the terms set out in the
> ::> Membership Agreement available online at
> ::>
> ::
> ::
> ::
> ::–
> ::Pall Thayer
> ::[email protected]
> ::
> ::
> ::
> ::
> ::
> ::
> +
> -> post: [email protected]
> -> questions: [email protected]
> -> subscribe/unsubscribe:
> -> give:
> +
> Subscribers to Rhizome are subject to the terms set out in the
> Membership Agreement available online at

, Alexis Turner

As I recall, we had a discussion a few months back that suggested several
solutions, not the worst of which was that the list begin to be moderated in
some way, shape, or form. Perhaps split into two which, for those who enjoy
spending their days hunting for diamonds in the rough, could be funneled into a
larger RAW, or for those who feel stifled, a wheat from chaff type service. In
the end, the "I like my status quo just the way it is, thanks" group seems to
have spoken loudest, and, I believe, most finally, in more ways that one.

There was an article in the recent Wired about splogs. Read it, if you will.
It brought up the sad, sad death of Usenet, among other things, and intimated
that the Internet itself is well on its way to the same end, unless a new method
of detecting the crap from the cream can be identified **not by users, who
already have no trouble at all doing that, but by the search companies that
index the web and thus hand users links to what they are
looking for.*** Consider that well. A user may have all the discernment in the
world, easily able to identify garbage from gems, but if they have little to no
way to FIND the gems other than by sheer brute force, time, and stubborness,
what good does the discernment do them? Absolutely none at all.

Rhizome finds itself in the same predicament - how can I build a personal spam
filter for the list when the spam is so closely targeted to what happens on the
list? I can't filter things that have the words gallery, or am/pm, or Friday in
them. Those are all words that are perfectly likely to appear in a real
discussion on this list. I can't filter out something that has a URL - sending
good links is a perfectly normal discussion event. I can't filter out
"opening" or "my latest project." I can't filter out anything spammy at all,
except perhaps standard
repeats that come every week (ie something that has the term "toegristle #" in
the subject.) (If any of you cleverer than I have developed such killer
filters, now would be a good time to jump in and save the list.) Given that
users are not able to roll their own solution, Rhizome itself has to step in
and provide a means. But if we keep living like it is 1999 and this problem
doesn't exist, well, I'm sorry but we're just screwed.

Now, I suppose my opinion doesn't matter much right now, because I've quite
firmly decided that my New Year's Resolution is to have nothing else to do with
Rhizome pretty much ever, but somehow this decision does actually make me sad,
and I can't help but try to give it one last stab for another week before I go.
It really just does seem a passing of a greater era, whether you believe I could
possibly experience this sentiment or not. To that end, yeah, I have to cry
out just a little before it's over. Why let Rhizome die with nothing but a

On Sun, 24 Dec 2006 [email protected] wrote:

::Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2006 01:09:14 -0500 (EST)
::From: [email protected]
::To: Alexis Turner <[email protected]>
::Cc: [email protected]
::Subject: Re: RHIZOME_RAW: The way of the net. And art. And business.
::> I'd rather get jumped by a single ugly chick than none at all, but that
::> doesn't mean I want a dog-pile of ugliness on Alexis. After about the
::> 10th
::> girl at once, I'd smother to death.
::well breathing is important, it always will be.
::but your physical state is off topic, but it sounds OK, but really you've
::bent the meaning in a funny way.
::I could say that I like chocolate more than ginger, but it's not pertinent
::to the argument.., but it's still true.
::> Likewise, a single retard is harmless and probably preferable to nothing.
::well, your an American, and your president is … Bush???
::so I can blame you. It dooesn't matter if you voted for him or not. Guilt
::by association stands true. You must also be a Bush.
::> But
::> there is no flood control on the net. Eventually, it is the size of the
::> deluge of adverts and other useless nonsense that causes the meaningful
::> discourse you seek to drown, suffocated under sheer bulk. Too much of a
::> good
::> thing, perhaps.
::still, nothing here helps to create a commons for discourse. Great
::complaints and wonderous cynicism still avoids answering the problem which
::actually requires some thought.
::Get back to us when you can address the issue without malformed metaphors
::and out of context similes.
::Like any essay, an argument need form.
::> -Alexis
::> On Fri, 22 Dec 2006, Pall Thayer wrote:
::> ::Well, I'll take a two-bit (shouldn't that be eight bits?) retard's
::> drivel over
::> ::nothing at all any day. At least it has the potential to generate more
::> ::meaningful discourse.
::> ::
::> ::Pall Thayer
::> ::
::> ::On 22-Dec-06, at 2:17 PM, Alexis Turner wrote:
::> ::
::> ::> Well, isn't lack of discussion the way of the net in general, not just
::> here?
::> ::> Quantity over quality - it's not about having something interesting to
::> say,
::> ::> it's about empowering any two-bit retard to say whatever pathetic
::> drivel
::> ::> they can crank out, and as long as it goes to as many people as
::> possible,
::> ::> it's successful. Spam, blogs, wikis, youtube. Congratulations. Web
::> 2.0 is
::> ::> all the same in its infinite mediocrity and incessant noise, but
::> hallelujah
::> ::> amen I think 30,000 people just heard me say that, and isn't THAT the
::> ::> importance of networking, after all? It's not what you know, it's who
::> and
::> ::> how loud.
::> ::>
::> ::> Networking and nepotism for dummies. The way of the world.
::> ::> -Alexis
::> ::>
::> ::> <blink><font size="100000000"></font></blink>
::> ::> +
::> ::> -> post: [email protected]
::> ::> -> questions: [email protected]
::> ::> -> subscribe/unsubscribe:
::> ::> -> give:
::> ::> +
::> ::> Subscribers to Rhizome are subject to the terms set out in the
::> ::> Membership Agreement available online at
::> ::>
::> ::
::> ::
::> ::
::> ::–
::> ::Pall Thayer
::> ::[email protected]
::> ::
::> ::
::> ::
::> ::
::> ::
::> ::
::> +
::> -> post: [email protected]
::> -> questions: [email protected]
::> -> subscribe/unsubscribe:
::> -> give:
::> +
::> Subscribers to Rhizome are subject to the terms set out in the
::> Membership Agreement available online at
::-> post: [email protected]
::-> questions: [email protected]
::-> subscribe/unsubscribe:
::-> give:
::Subscribers to Rhizome are subject to the terms set out in the
::Membership Agreement available online at

, Pall Thayer

I hate to see you go because you have been one of the few to actively
participate in many of the discussions here. That doesn't mean I
always agree with you but what fun would there be in a discussion if
everyone agreed on everything? Speaking of which, I do want to make
one quick point before you go. I was looking at your website the
other day and noticed a post where you mentioned discussions
concerning "abstraction" on Rhizome (