[pavu.com] Metaphysic Motion Square Film Festival - Week 1

dear rhizoumers,
dear cineFriends,

pavu.com is GUT! to invite you to the inauguration of its very first
Motion Square Festival

4 november Weeks will allow you to discover
4 Metaphysic Motions,
all shot in Plining-Citta between IX and X.

week 1 screening :
Thai Ming
available from november 2 to november 8 2005

wishing you the best always,

please enter pavu.com neXt roUTe KinoKraft Top ov the Cream era.
-/ Top ov the Cream ! /-

Metaphysic Motion Square Film Festival
is a PINE!Building Pro. fur pavu.com


, M. River

M.river of MTAA on Pavu.com's net flim, "Thai Ming".

I laughed…
I cried…
I posted this brief review on Rhizome Raw.

> http://pavu.com