Aching slash

Lying in your ashes, shedding:
a lyre in shallows, and awash
with trenches that succor
only these frozen teats; I'm

glad of your company tonight,
aching, and happy I can
slash and burn my route through
each and every rancid dream
of your cleft brow. I've never been
gladder than when the saddest eyes
I've ever seen were lonely, and

one luscious second they were
on me. Pills and cannabis
bleach like woolen suns,
spitting out awful fullness, fucking
in tune with nothing at all save
the commonality of my absence.
It's a law here that heats the windows
into the little hearts I'm all
outside of. This is good shit, like

silk licking your lungs, like a skinny
hispanic girl who walks in one
night when you're alone, the one

with the eyes pulling something
else along. She's more than
standing there. I do this for
the good of my legs, which ache
one day, and wish.



Lewis LaCook –>

XanaxPop:Mobile Poem Blog->

Collective Writing Projects–> The Wiki–> Appendix M ->

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, Michael Szpakowski

this is beautiful Lewis.
— Lewis LaCook <[email protected]> wrote:

> Lying in your ashes, shedding:
> a lyre in shallows, and awash
> with trenches that succor
> only these frozen teats; I'm
> glad of your company tonight,
> aching, and happy I can
> slash and burn my route through
> each and every rancid dream
> of your cleft brow. I've never been
> gladder than when the saddest eyes
> I've ever seen were lonely, and
> one luscious second they were
> on me. Pills and cannabis
> bleach like woolen suns,
> spitting out awful fullness, fucking
> in tune with nothing at all save
> the commonality of my absence.
> It's a law here that heats the windows
> into the little hearts I'm all
> outside of. This is good shit, like
> silk licking your lungs, like a skinny
> hispanic girl who walks in one
> night when you're alone, the one
> with the eyes pulling something
> else along. She's more than
> standing there. I do this for
> the good of my legs, which ache
> one day, and wish.
> =====
> Lewis LaCook –>
> XanaxPop:Mobile Poem Blog->
> Collective Writing Projects–> The Wiki–>
> Appendix M
> ->
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