
One) Rap's voice seems like a lead pipe; Graffiti's seems like a scalpel.

(..perhaps the _real_ question here is, why there is always a battle/attack/conflict going on in hip-hop, esp in rap)

Please Comment.

Two) The depressing thing about the Taj Mahal as a poetic object, etc, isn't even its status as a Helen type image (face that launched a thousand ships, cf. Christa Wolf's _Cassandra_, etc…perhaps Helen is the "simulacrum") that caused hundreds (thousands?) of hands to be chopped off after its completion so that no such beauty would be attained again. It's not even that much. Immediately around the Taj Mahal is utter despond…you have to wade through almost a mile of total squalor, poverty, and filth to actually get to the front gate from the parking lot/entrance. I guess it seems that much worse than other areas of India because of the striking contrast. You can't really look at the Taj from afar because you have to keep your eyes on the ground to make sure you don't step in the garbage and shit. Politics. A Real Wonder of the World :)

Please Comment.

Three) A reading technique I've found to be particularly helpful is looking at the spaces between words instead of at the words themselves. This facilitates the "clustering" process for rapid consumption of text… Maybe this technique is already widely known, and I would gladly oblige anyone who knows speed-reading or has even taken classes on the subject to help.

Please comment.

Thank you.


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