Not-so-silly Millie. An Appreciation of Millie Niss (1973 - 2009). By Edward Picot.


Co-published by Furtherfield and The Hyperliterature Exchange.

Not-so-silly Millie. An Appreciation of Millie Niss (1973 - 2009).

Millie Niss, the writer and new media artist, died at 5 a.m. on 29th November 2009, of swine flu with complications. Her mother and longtime collaborator, Martha Deed, was with her at the time. She had been in hospital for four weeks, mostly in intensive care, after picking up the virus, which quickly became serious in her case, probably because she already had respiratory difficulties as a result of a rare condition known as Behcet's Disease. She was 36 years old.

"Millie's work for me, has always reached beyond the surface of things. Managing to communicate an essence of her character and her varied intentions successfully. There is a unique sense of humour in much of her work, even when dealing with dark themes. A surreal edge, informed by her particular views on humanity and all of its, seemingly perpetual absurdities. Mixed with a playful, open spirit and a twist of simplicity. Her work was and is, more for those not bound by distracting trends - open for all. A rare wisdom with an authentic voice in this strange and complex world. Good bye Millie…" Marc Garrett.

This article by Edward Picot can also be read on The Hyperliterature Exchange -


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, Michael Szpakowski

This is deeply sad but also great. Not only does it memorialise a remarkable and much loved person, in both its content and form it offers some alternatives.
As a piece of writing about art and an artist it gives us an alternative to self-regard or obscurantism with the simple, but extraordinarily difficult to achieve, virtues of looking hard, thinking deeply and conveying a considered opinion in language that is not simplistic but is neither ever difficult for the sake of it.
As to the content - it summons up with uncanny precision both the strengths and weaknesses of particular pieces by Millie in such a way that we understand that her legacy, although naturally exemplified by individual works - for me particularly the magnificent collaboration with Martha Deed, the Sporkworld Microblog
- is also methodological and ethical.