MTAA, community posts...

MTAA, comments...

  • , MTAA in Mac + Intel??
    One other thing that came out during the keynote yesterday was lots of details regarding how podcasts will be integrated … Read more
  • , MTAA in Mac + Intel??
    Hi Jason,Being a cross-platform type you should be especially happy. Most things I'm reading speculate that you'll be able … Read more
  • , MTAA in raw.rss
    Hi Francis,Either I'm the most horribly vague and foggy author ever, or you misread me. It's probably the former. … Read more
  • , MTAA in Mac + Intel??
    It's true: Thayer wrote:> I would think that the idea of Apple switching to x86 processors> … Read more
  • , MTAA in Mac + Intel??
    Hi Pall,I don't know about absurd. One article I didn't link to has a pretty good speculative arg:,2125,67749,00.html … Read more
  • , MTAA in raw.rss
    Francis Hwang wrote:> On Jun 4, 2005, at 11:58 AM, t.whid wrote:> > > Rock.> >> … Read more
  • , MTAA in raw.rss
    Rock.Thanks Francis. I'm going to experiment with using the RSS feed and web interface. This is the first time … Read more
  • , MTAA in New Membership Policy
    Some of the discussion over this has been unnecessarily antagonistic. Some of us should settle down a tad.+++++++permenant … Read more
  • Hi Jim,Thanks for your comments. A bit of stuff below:On May 23, 2005, at 5:21 PM, Jim Andrews … Read more
  • , MTAA in New Membership Policy
    Hi all,Posted a bit of a reaction to MTAA-RR: rhizome\_drops\_membership\_fee\_sort\_of.htmlQuoted below:It's not clear if things fall … Read more