Office Hours : The HTML Review

We're having an online talk this week to celebrate the second issue of the html review ! We'll be hanging with the creators and editors, Shelby Wilson + Maxwell Neely-Cohen and with project exploration by contributors, Katherine Yang + Katy Ilonka Gero  :) :) :)

As always, we'll be on discord and streaming on twitch. Recording of this event will be made available on asap !


Shelby Wilson +

Maxwell Neely-Cohen is a writer, coder, and dancer based in New York City. He is the author of the novel Echo of the Boom. His nonfiction and essays have been featured in places like The New RepublicSsense, and BOMB Magazine. From 2018-2021, he was Editor-At-Large for The Believer. His experiments with technology, video games, and performance have been acclaimed by The New York Times Magazine, Electric Literature, and The Financial Times. He was most recently in residence at Pioneer Works, CultureHub, and ENGINE. He is the Publisher of
