THEBIGEAR project - an invitation!!!]

—————————- Original Message —————————-
Subject: THEBIGEAR project - an invitation!!!
From: "Francesco Michi"
Date: Thu, June 19, 2003 11:18 am
To: Recipient list suppressed

La versione italiana e sotto!!!……..


Dear friend, I have taken your Email address from the community

This is an invitation to collaborate to the project : THEBIGEAR (an
Imaginary Soundscape).

- We want to build an imaginary soundscape, by imagining to have such a
powerful ear that it can perceive sounds coming from an endless acoustic
To partecipate to the project is very simple . we are only asking to you
to describe the sounds you are hearing in this moment in the place in
which you are. sounds coming from the room where you are with your
computer, or from your home, or from outside, from the city or the
countryside. Please, describe them as best as you can, in such a way that
it will be easy for us to imagine them, and also to try to synthetize
them in a way that resembles them.
You can also add any kind of comments and reflections of your own,
memories and other thoughts the sound suggested to you. There is no space
limitation: you can also send a recording af the sound itself .
IMPORTANT!!! To do all this, you MUST use the apposite form at THEBIGEAR
site: (click on "to partecipate")

The official language of THEBIGEAR is English , but contributions in every
language will be accepted.

The goal of THEBIGEAR is to build an imaginary (virtual?) soundscape,
consisting of sounds that come from all over the world, from different
ways of listening and listening locations, as if an unique big ear (with
an unlimited acoustic horizon) perceived them.
The software which runs THEBIGEAR automatically will insert your
contributions into a hypothetical listening day, maintaining the time your
listening report was sent.

The official time of THEBIGEAR is the one of the Aesthetic Flow Bureau,
and the times of any single intervention will be related to that time.

THEBIGEAR is at the same time a literary and musical operation:
the imaginary soundscape we create, will be described by all the
contributions we will accumulate in an operation af collective and
collaborative writing. At the same time, as soon as the soundscape will be
composed, we'll try to reproduce its acoustic aspect.

We would like you to partecipate, we ask you also to forward this
invitation to your friends and to all the people that may be interested
in partecipating.

If you want to partecipate in a continuous way, you can sign up
in THEBIGEAR mailing list, sending an empty email to this address:
[email protected]
Through the list you will be informed about the progress of the project
and kindly invited to send further descriptions of your acoustic

Thank you

Francesco Michi

P.S: This could be a possible discussion topic: the building of such an
imaginary (virtual?, possible?) soundscape, utilizing descriptions of
sounds (and correlated considerations) which are sent by Internet and
come from different places, maybe could enlarge our capacity to imagine
an acoustic space, creating (even if in an imaginary way) a particular
common experience of a sounds environment - an hyperexperience, or,
again, a "web experience" .

[email protected]

=======================================VERSIONE ITALIANA

Questo e un invito a collaborare al progetto THEBIGEAR (an imaginary
Vogliamo costruire un panorama acustico immaginario, immaginando un
orecchio cosi potente da poter recepire suoni da un orizzonte
tendenzialmente infinito!!

Partecipare e veramente molto semplice… tutto cio che chiediamo di fare
e di descrivere i suoni che state ascoltando dal luogo dove vi trovate,
suoni che arrivano nella stanza dove avete il computer dall'interno oppure
dall'esterno. Suoni brevi, occasionali, oppure costanti, banali o
particolari dell'ambiente acustico nel quale vi trovate.
Descriveteli per favore meglio che potete, in modo che sia possibile
immaginarli, ma anche ricostruirli acusticamente con la maggiore
approssimazione possibile.
Potete anche aggiungere riflessioni e commenti del tutto personali,
ricordi o altro che il suono che state ascoltando (o che avete appena
ascoltato) vi ha suggerito. Non c'e alcun limite di spazio: se volete
potete anche inviare una registrazione del suono stesso.
IMPORTANTE!!! Per fare tutto questo e predisposta una form sul sito, a
questo indirizzo: (cliccare su 'to