Re: RHIZOME_RAW:smoldering david lynchian

At 02:38 AM 7/1/2002 -0400, you wrote:

>No way Herman. Mulholland Drive is a movie completely about:

"mulholland drive is a smoldering david lynchian film-take on the starlet
time|grind machine. the film presents the viewer with a
dream|character-crossed plotline divided decisively according 2 a sacchrine
50's vs a gritty late 90's version|comment on the hollywood circuit|circus,
focusing on the twinned character incarnations of Australian actor Naomi
Watts. Think: an amnesiac alice-in-wonderland plot constructed via de
chirico detective-story-drenched cinematography."

-mez breeze, _Realtime_ arts mag.

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collapsing adj[thr]usting.txt
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