#1 Voter receives read_me 1.2 audience prize

read_me 1.2
software art / software art games
on-line: October-February 2001-2002
off-line: 18-19 of May, Moscow
Macros-center, Moscow

Russian version below:

read_me_#1 Voter by Rainer Prohaska http://www.macros-center.ru/read_me/now/53/
The tradition of audience choice prizes has its roots in the analog past. In digital space, voting takes on different attributes. In particular, authors can vote for their own works, demonstrating their desire for fame in its pure form. They can vote many times, have their friends vote for them and even write special scripts to vote for them endlessly. Thus, digital voting requires a serious technical base as well as the hiring of specialists to provide security and objectivity to the voting process. If such conditions are missing and authors are ambitious, a digital explosion can be expected. That is exactly what happened in late January when the festival server went down as a result of endless requests. The "read_me_No1 Voter" project, whose only function is voting for itself on the read_me 1.2 site, reveals the mechanism of on-line voting and demonstrates the inherent problems in an elegant way. The project ironically inverts the festival voting system. As it seems impossible to determine actual audience opinions, the festival organizers have decided to award the Audience Choice prize to read_me_No1 Voter.