ROFL! A Gong Show for Artists and Internet Nerds

Don't miss ROFL!, the Internet competition Art Fag City has been working on with John Seroff of Tofu Hut at Joe's Pub, Friday June 22nd at 11:30 pm. Briefly, the event is basically an internet gong show pitting the finds and creations of cewebrity contestants such as Andrew Baron of Rocketboom, and Josh Fruhlinger of Wonkette against each other. I've pasted the less brief, (but super fun) press release below.


Competitors are:

Featuring web art, presentations and
"teh funney" from

Josh Fruhlinger of Comics Curmudgeon and Wonkette

Cintra Wilson of Salon and Dregublog

Michelle Collins of You Can't Make It Up and
VH1's Best Week Ever

Andrew Baron, co-creator and producer of Rocketboom

Tony Carnevale of Channel 102

Marisa Olson, Marisa Olson/ Nasty Nets member/ editor / curator of

Stu VanAirsdale of The Reeler

Charles Broskoski of Supercentral

ROFL is the very best of the internet, lovingly hand-picked by eight of AmericaaE