Call for proposals: HTMlles festival of media art + culture 2010

Call for Proposals

The HTMlles Festival of Media Art + Digital Culture 2010 is currently seeking proposals for its 9th edition, to be held from November 13 to 20, 2010, in Montreal, under the theme of

The deadline for submissions is Monday, September 13, 2010, at 9:00 PM.

Initiated by Studio XX in 1997, and evolving as quickly as technology itself, the HTMlles Festival is an international platform dedicated to the presentation of women’s independent media artworks from all facets of contemporary technological creation, including but not limited to: digital storytelling, cyber art, short film and video art, audio and electronic art, installation, locative media, 3D animation, game art, virtual reality, electronic publishing, design, performance and interdisciplinary practices.

As a meeting place at the crossroads of creativity, technology and a wide spectrum of feminist perspectives, the HTMlles Festival focuses on the public presentation of innovative media artworks, panel discussions and workshops, creating dynamic connections between audiences, artists, cultural practioners, curators, producers, educators, scholars, students and technophiles.

HTMlles 2010:

From IMAX to the Canadarm, to Softimage, MotionBuilder, Maya and the BlackBerry, Canada’s technological innovations have changed the world. Inspired by Studio XX’s 2008 TransCanada Pipeline Tour, and Canada’s central role within a worlwide context in 2010, the 9th edition of HTMlles will focus on the work of Canadian/Quebec-based media artists exploring concepts of . HTMlles maintains an open and international focus.

As we resist - or converge with - a globally interconnected future, is it relevant to define our origins and explore common values? Can we have more than one at any given time, or no at all? Whose rights are recognized in what homelands?

As a nation, how do we imagine new forms of connection to expand our parameters of citizenship, identity, language and our understandings of democracy and interactive communities?

What defines a place of belonging? When and how do we belong? How do we create a secure home and when is it time to leave it?

What role do Open Source methodologies (F/LOSS) and digital technologies play in creating a sustainable future? What do digital technologies reveal about the state of the natural world and our perception of landscape?

HTMlles seeks stellar media works focusing on woman-centered experiences that are shared and distinct within a national context and/or which highlight the development and richness of Canadian/Quebecois media art practices.

HTMlles invites proposals of audience-ready works from emerging, mid-career or senior artists and curators based in Canada or Quebec. Collaborations with international artists or international works about Canada-based artists are also eligible.

+++Emerging artists may also consider submissions to the HTMlles EMERGENCE Competition:

Submission guidelines

Projects should be submitted by email only and must include the following information in a PDF document:

+ Name of artist (s):
+ Address:
+ Phone number (s):
+ Email address:
+ Biography (ies) (250 words max):

+ Title:
+ Year of Production:
+ City of Production:
+ Project Description (500 words max):
+ Detailed Technical Specifications:
+ A maximum of 5 images included in the PDF: size : 1024 X 768 pixels, 72 dpi
+ A URL for sound and/or audio projects

+ Applications should include this completed form, saved as a PDF document and
sent to: [email protected]
+ Subject line: HTMlles Festival submission
+ Deadline for submission is September 13, 2010, 9:00 PM

In exceptional cases dictated by the nature of the work, submissions may be sent by regular post to:

HTMlles 2010, 4001 Berri St., Suite 201, Montréal (QC), H2N 2N4, Canada

Please note that the HTMlles Festival cannot be responsible for returning your submissions if sent in this manner.

A Studio XX Production -