xxxxx workshop_9 Berlin

A (more-or-less) weekly series of constructivist workshops emphasising
making and connection within the field of the existent.

Upcoming: simple_sample_noise with superfactory[tm], cat_dd_jekyll and
friends with ap/xxxxx, and Crouching Table, Hidden Pointer [Pure Data
for soundfiles and live sampling] with Derek Holzer


21st April: DIY simple-sample-and-hold noise modules with superfactory

28th April: ap/UNIX process: dd, cat, FIFO, pipes for PD, jekyll,
i_am, leaks with ap/xxxxx

5th May: Crouching Table, Hidden Pointer [Pure Data for soundfiles and
live sampling] with Derek Holzer

May/June projected: GNU Emacs, television transmission, the C
programming language, spectral RF reception and white noise, 3D
modelling, ATmega8 microcontrollers a la Arduino, free construction

.. or contact if you're interested in leading a related workshop.


DIY simple-sample-and-hold modules with superfactory[tm]

Jelly neurons, noise modules and microphones will be integrated with
etched audio memory devices under the skilled direction of Martin
Kuentz from superfactory[tm]. A DIY micro-sampling kit (based around
the ISD recording integrated circuit for looping, sampling and some
granulation) will be assembled by all participants using circuit board
etching techniques and simple electronics skill-set. The workshop also
functions as an introduction to these DIY techniques.


Most tools supplied but feel free to bring a soldering iron or any
interface electronics

RSVP [email protected] with interest as places/kits are very limited

Course fee (inc. sampling kit 18 Euros)
