it's been real

If anyone needs to read this, this message will find you, make sure
it gets read and into the head where ever it's supposed to go. If it
sounds stupid, just trash it, it was never going to help you. Call
it either way.

Here's a trick for you to try: Write down a plan (no typing) on a
slip of paper. The more explicit, the better. (a budget and
schedule help) Store the paper in a box/container that has special
significance to you (maybe a gift). Put the box (alternatively a
locket, or container you wear) somewhere where you look/feel
constantly. At least several hours a day. Spirits will see it and
help you.

No matter how impossible you think your situation is, whatever reason
makes you think it hopelessly remote, don't worry. Obstacles,
excuses, probabilities and practicalities are only meaningful to
humans, nobody/nothing else cares. The goal will find YOU. But only
if you are willing to try ANYTHING wether it makes sense or not for
the results to stick.

The obvious thing people want is money. That's fine. Think in big
sums. The thing to keep in mind, is this: (Not meant to convert or
convince, simply an illustration) Most Western thinkers see
salvation as an external finish line. They are blockaded by
involuntary obstacles and their proximity to the goal is sometimes
judged by a third party (a god). These people have minimal
responsibility for their ultimate fate, can only do so much to work
against what faces them.

But many also view "salvation" as some inner quality. The world we
see/hear/feel/etc. is a result of ourselves talking to ourselves,
showing us things. We don't SEE without attaching a subjective
context to what we see. There are no external events, only our
experience of events, filtered by our brains. The objects themselves
don't really ever matter, they're inaccessible to us, it's what
significance they have we see.

So the obstacles are not an external entity keeping us from what we
want, rather we interpret chaos, noise, the various elements as
obstacles. The subconscious creates the obstacle-ness it feels we
need, to prevent us from acquiring things our consciousness may want.
A conflict for many unless they are working together.

If you think of it this way, the only thing keeping you from a
million dollars are practical concerns. But practical concerns are
the subconscious's way of labelling our world. These labels are not
anything to do with the world outside of our heads. Therefore, the
only reasons not to have a million dollars are completely immaterial,
mentally filtered mirages.

It's YOUR karma.


223 E 10th Street
PMB 130
New York, NY 10003