Exchange Value


The ascent of exchange value over use value is everywhere asserted. Less attention is paid to the historical plurality of economies, structures, relationships and traditions that make up the many types of exchange. Separate from its role in producing value on the international market, issues of exchange tend to form and inform reception and cultural opinion. Exchange is not exhausted by the continuing extension of its peculiar value form, but persists, inhabiting the life-world at many moments within human organization and understanding.

In 2010 and 2011, the AC Institute takes up the link between exchange and value to explore the different manifestations of each through both open call and invited artists, writers and others. Focusing on experimental, installation, and new media work, AC seeks submissions from contemporary artists, and others, working in any medium. Artists are encourage to submit work either already existing or as-yet unrealized that addresses the interlocking questions of value and exchange; either at the level of social practice, contemporary representation, or both.

Submissions should be sent to [email protected] by July 1, 2010. Please include the following in the body of your message (not as attachments):

-A short description and/or images of the work you are proposing for our spaces

-Your standard CV and contact information

-Links to your website or other sites where materials could be viewed, if possible
Please do not send these items as attachments

About AC Institute:
 The AC Institute exists to advance art through investigation, research and practice. It is a lab for experimentation and a forum for critical discussion. Emphasizing emerging, international, and under-represented artists, the Institute develops projects across disciplines, exhibiting work deploying a variety of strategies for critical, experiential, and performative interventions in the field of contemporary art. In addition to publishing critical writing that pushes conventional expectations of meaning and objectivity, the AC Institute realizes off-site projects taking place at the edge of the art marketplace. Committed to an integrated vision of creative practice, Art Currents creates autonomous spaces to pursue experimental work. The AC institute is non-profit 501©3 under the Direction of Holly Crawford.

Since moving to Chelsea in September of 2008, AC has mounted numerous exhibitions and performances, participated in the 2009 Armory show with Critical Conversations in a Limo; collaborated with over 50 artists; and worked with various cultural organizations including Rhizome and Harvestworks to pursue its mission. We provide space, programming support, and certain A/V equipment. Please see our website for more information: