_net_][paral][lax [cluster][ing][2.08: forumesqueness_

::…and australia is becoming a little USA, all drivel.ling and
s.lav][atory][ering at the Bush admin's every whim……Howard really is
just a lapdog whimpering in the ][satellite nation][ sidelines…it truly
disgusts me…..Howard & the Liberal party r ][r][apingly
belligerent…..its monogazing @ its very worst, take the d.tention camps
here, a step away from concentration camps…..c][p][o][litical][nservative
reductionism @ its lowest………….nationalistic n.tent gone
hay.wire……[& Howard's appointment as chairman of the International
Democractic Community? bah!! ……lumbering,
segregational/][d.caying][organisational masking 2 its very best…& i
won't get started on wot it is at its worst…..]

::…the pre.empt[y]ive strike policy is wots unbelievably distressing
[among multitudes of other di][e][stressful trends]..i perceive it as
having profound RAM.ifications on such culturally-intimate
lvls……hero-mandated pop-cultural narratives [where the good guys have
the right 2 retaliate against oppositional forces as part of their hero's
journey, rite of passage etc] d.mands cause-&-f.fect type conceptualisation
of avenging actions….the good guys r permitted 2 perform atro.cities as
long as it has an a][re][venging aspect…karmic attribution seen thru a
simple.ton][ne]['s gaze…..wot will the corresponding narrative drill
b.come in lite of this? as if the multitudes of war movies approved since
the 9-11 tragedy isn't enough of a covert saturation/desensitization

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collapsing adj[thr]usting.txt
…. . .??? …….