xxxxx workshop_4 Berlin

A (more-or-less) weekly series of constructivist workshops emphasising
making and connection within the field of the existent.

24th February: FM-transmitter-workshop with
piradio/superfactory[TM]. Details below.

3rd March: noise_produce part two - Circuit board etching with
crackle/kraakdoos and/or Schmitt triggers.

10th March: SuperCollider with Fredrik Olofsson

March projected: GNU Emacs, noise_produce part three

Please RSVP [email protected] with interest as places are limited.

..or contact if you're interested in leading a related workshop.


24th February 2pm:: FM-transmitter-workshop with piradio/superfactory[TM].

How to build your own radio-transmitter, booster, antenna and if
required receiver. Audio broadcast. Soldering permitted.

All materials and some tools supplied. Please bring individual
audio/noise, your own soldering iron if possible or inform if needed.

Course fee 15 euros includes materials.

Please RSVP [email protected] to reserve places

Closer contact: [email protected]
