52 (W) Pop-Up Show presents Ted McCann

Zone 9 Art Events is proud to present Ted McCann's short video, "La Macchina
di Cervello" plus still images in week number 6's "52(W): Pop-Up Gallery

Ted McCann's straight shot, no edit technique presents a raw context to the
image presented. "La Macchina di Cervello" represents man in repetition of
conduct and mannerism. Still images provide the agenda as video loads.
(Download may be lengthy on some computers).

Zone 9 Art Events is currently seeking new art–conceptual, visual, digital,
video, spoken word, art noise, for future online shows. Please write
[email protected] for more information.

Host: Kimmy McCann

Visit the Zone 9 Art Events "52(W)" Pop-Up Gallery. New art from the
cyber-world beginning each Monday for one year. You must have "accept
pop-up windows" enabled.

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