Postdoctoral Position in the Humanities, Culture and the Digital (Digital Humanities)

  • Type: job
  • Location: HUMlab, SE-901 87, Umeå, Västerbotten, 90187, SE
  • Deadline: Mar 21 2011 at 12:00AM
  • outbound link ↱
Situated at Umeå University in the north east of Sweden, HUMlab exploresthe intersection between the humanities, culture and the digital. We are now extending our core research group through another planned postdoctoral position in the digital humanities. The work in HUMlab is canalized through a strong studio space and associated digital environments. The lab encourages and supports multiple modes of engagement between the digital and the humanities: tool, object of
inquiry, expressive medium and exploratory laboratory.
See here for the HUMlab movie trailer.
Humanities and cultural studies, their objects of study and practices
are profoundly affected  by information technology and the digital.
Examples of possible areas for postdoctoral projects include (but are
not restricted to): Computer games studies, visualization of humanities
materials, Fan Fiction, online practices, digital humanities as a research area, embodiment and the digital, gender and information technology, digital art, digitally mediated language and communication, academic activism, humanities infrastuctures, interactive architecture, aesthetic theory, digital creative industries and new digital means of publication for thehumanities. Applicant’s research background may be in a humanities subject or from another relevant area.
For further information about the digital humanities position, please contact Patrik Svensson, [email protected]
Visit the website (Swedish language):
Official announcement (in Swedish) is available here.
Reference number 315-127-11.

Applications shall include
A complete curriculum vitae (CV)
A list of publications
A research plan of 5-8 pages
Applicants must have obtained their doctorate within the last three years and not held a postdoctoral position before.

sent electronically should be in MS Word or PDF format. Your complete
application, marked with the reference number should be sent to
[email protected] (state the reference number as subject) or to the Registrar, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden to arrive March 21, 2011 at the latest.
Union information is available from SACO, +46-(0)90-786 53 65, SEKO, +46-(0)90-786 52 96 and ST, +46-(0)90-786 54 31.

We look forward to receiving your application!


My Greetings to You. I am Anna Polibina, a script writer from Moscow. I screen films in various genres, in five European languages. In 2001 I graduated from the Literary Instutite of Moscow. I am a professional philologist, writer (plawyright and poet) and a translator of fiction and poetry. I engage simpistic digital technologies at my feature short cut films, though I prefer the "raw" drawings and the "vivid" sound. My scripts are of a broad range of genres and styles also. I write for various audiences, from youngsters to academicians. I also translate and edit academic books, from UNESCO reports to postmodern theories. For the next academic year, I have just received an invitation to read a course at the drama theories at GITIS ( I have screened over 100 of my own (!) short cut feature-and-documentary films so far, in a variety of genres, in Russian, English, French, Spanish and Italian, all by my own scripts and plays.  I consider myself an ideal applicant for Your position, but I have certain restrictions by health. If You would like to know details, please contact me by: [email protected]. Thank You. Regards from Anna Polibina, Moscow

To Jim Barrett
Dear Jim! Please copy my comment to your PC and delete it from this directory. Thank you in advance. Anna Polibina

, Joan Collins

God Creating the Animals of the Universe

, Joan Collins

This is bound to be more representative of NY than a "Greater New York" at PS1 via MOMA. Still when will there be a real survey/cross section of Brooklyn? Probably when shows like this do well.
One O'Clock Jump @ 
932 madison st

, Joan Collins

Well, I loved elaine very much.  Unconditional Love…  It was very organic