NMEDIAC, The Journal of New Media & Culture

Two different opportunities to announce:

(1)NMEDIAC, the Journal of New Media & Culture is accepting submissions of interactive media (“new media art”) that address social, ontological, and cultural issues regarding new media. In particular we are looking for submissions that include both creative/interactive interfaces along with textual discussion/write-ups etc. Submissions can be sent anytime to: [email protected]

(2)NMEDIAC is also seeking one or more persons to help as ASSISTANT OR FULL EDITORS with regard to the interactive media/new media art aspect of submissions and publication on our site nmediac.net. NMEDIAC is an academic non-profit, (so salaries do not apply), thus those most likely to be interested are graduate students, professors, or independent scholars or artist interested in service opportunities. Basically we need someone to solicit new media art submissions, review and send out for review submissions, etc…so that I can focus on paper submissions and reviews (which is more my forte). Also this person(s) will ideally not be bogged down with ten million other projects. Still interested??!! Please email me (Jonathan Lillie) at: [email protected]