Edited Edition

Call for Papers: The AC Institute is currently accepting papers for an upcoming edition that seeks to take up the issue of temporality as an integral element in contemporary music and the visual arts. Critical writing that addresses this concept from all disciplines will be considered and we encourage the submission of articles that cross disciplinary boundaries. Articles that discuss the temporal relationships between art and music are especially welcome. Please send complete papers (with an abstract) and a brief biography (up to 250 words) to [email protected] by January 10, 2010.

The AC Institute’s mission is to advance the understanding of the arts through investigation, research and education. It is a lab and forum for experimentation and critical discussion. We support and develop projects that explore a performative exchange across visual, sonic, verbal and experiential disciplines. We encourage critical writing that challenges conventional expectations of meaning and objectivity as well as the boundaries between the rational and subjective. For more information on the AC Institute please visit our website at http://www.artcurrents.org .