Because the Night

Requesting single channel video for screening program.

"Because the Night" references Patti Smith's seminal work; the exhibition will include work that reflects the multiple facets of human behavior in the night. Mayhem, sex, romance, battles and war activities, dreams, and abstract works that evoke the poetics of nighttime. The exhibition will open October 19, 2009 at the Guggenheim Gallery at Chapman College, in California.

"Becasue the Night" is curated by Sabina Ott, with a video screening program by LiveBox. Visual artists participating include: Stephanie Brooks, Pamela Fraser, Michelle Grabner, Kristin Calabrese, Terence Hannum, Goody B. Wiseman, Candice Lin, Dana Duff, Jordan Biren, Alison Ruttan, Scott Stack, Mathew Girson and more.

Please submit a DVD or QT mov file, plus digital copies of video synopsis, CV, and jpegs.
You can also send an email to [email protected] with a link to the video or excerpt online. Do not attach images or documents.