Digital'08: Imagination On Behalf Of Our Planet

Digital'08: Imagination On Behalf Of Our Planet
10th International Juried Digital Print Competition/Exhibition
at the New York Hall of Science
October 4, 2008 - January 25, 2009
Organized by Art & Science Collaborations, Inc. (ASCI)

What are the artists, scientists, and technologists of the twenty-first century thinking about our current environmental challenges? Can their artwork imagine new, positive approaches to sustaining life on planet Earth? Can it inspire us to confront the consequences of our current ways of living? Through the almost limitless possibilities of digital image technologies and computers, we invite competition entrants to examine their environmental concerns, indulge their fantasies, and then share their fabricated/ montaged visions of how a sustainable future might look, which might include new types of hybrid forms: plants, animals, humans, cities, transportation systems, food, etc. Let's boldly envision on behalf of our planet!

~ Michael John Gorman, Director of the Science Gallery, Trinity College, Dublin
~ Cynthia Pannucci, Founder/Director, Art & Science Collaborations, Inc. (ASCI)

ENTRY DEADLINE: August 10, 2008


, Rui Pedro F

a first glance at the 10th International Digital Print Open Competition/Exhibition of Digital art the slogan «Imagination On Behalf Of Our Planet» sounds great (!!!) for the ones who want to contribute to enviornmental issues. It is also logic that the festival open its doors to artists and scientists to consolidate knowledge.

But charge such expensive fees is really to cut out the chances to many candidates which could have a very adequate work. Events like this should more democratic, enviornment is a common issue. This slogan «Imagination On Behalf Of Our Planet» is turning to be elitist, and it´s a pitty.