In the Middle of a Whirlwind: 2008 Convention Protests, Movement and Movements: OPEN CALL

Artist Open Call
In the Middle of a Whirlwind - March 2008

DEADLINE: 29 March 2008


To: Artists, Photographers, Sound & Video Artists, Musicians, Mapmakers & Urban Explorers

For: An upcoming publication focusing on current political movements & struggles in an election year!

Team Colors ( and is pleased to announce our partnership with Journal of Aesthetics and Protest ( to produce a publication titled In the Middle of a Whirlwind: 2008 Convention Protests, Movement, and Movements which will seek to intervene in and around the upcoming protests against the Republican and Democratic National Conventions.

In the Middle of a Whirlwind is a one-off online journal of theory, action and organizing, to be released May 15, 2008. A Request for Proposals has been circulated to a diverse array of authors and organizations and is available online at

We are now circulating an open call for artwork, photography, sounds, videos and maps to appear in the online journal as stand alone work and to accompany articles on contemporary political movements and struggles. A list of our contributors follows this call.

We are looking for:

•Materials that focus on current political movements and struggles addressed by the contributors to Whirlwinds.

•Materials that are produced by or in partnership with community based organizations, social spaces, and radical groups that further and amplify their activities.

•Materials that document and explore the state of art and artists lives under contemporary conditions; the state of the radical art community; building community support for interventionist art projects; developing projects that support artists and a diy ethic, and simultaneously challenge the museum, gallery, and foundation hierarchy.

•Interventions into and explorations of the conditions of everyday life, work, social relations, and daily life patterns in the United States; as a form of struggle, resistance, and exodus against the attempts and impositions by capital and the state-apparatus.

Those interested in contributing should contact:

[email protected], [email protected] and/or [email protected]

Contributions From:
Jen Angel | Bay Area Radical Health Collective | Bluestockings Books, Café and Activist Center (NYC; written by Malav Kanuga) | George Caffentzis | Chris Carlsson | Maribel Casas-Cortest & Sebastion Cobarrubias (Counter Cartographies Collective) | Centro de Jornaleros de Freeport (Long Island) | Emma Cosse (Precarity Map Europe) | Crimethinc Ex-Workers Collective | Direct Action to Stop the War (San Francisco) | Domestic Workers United & Right to the City Alliance in dialog (facilitated by Harmony Goldberg) | Family Farm Defenders | Silvia Federici | Michael Hardt | The Icarus Project | IWW Starbucks Workers Union | The Journal of Aesthetics and Protest | Just Seeds | El Kilombo Intergaláctico (Durham, NC) | Latino Health Outreach Project (New Orleans; written by Jennifer Whitney) | Peter Linebaugh | Daniel McGowan | Philly Stands Up (written by Esteban Kelly) | Restorative Justice Community Action (Minneapolis; written by Stevie Peace) | Gigi Roggero (Edu-Factory) | Maggie Schmitt (Precarias a la Dervia) | Ben Shepard | Basav Sen | smartMeme | Team Colors | Brian Tokar | Daniel Tucker (AREA Chicago) | US Federation of Workers Cooperatives | United States Social Forum (Documentation Committee; written by Marina Karides) | Interviews with: Ashanti Alston and various anti-RNC/DNC organizers & groups | & additional contributors to be announced shortly.