Open Call - The 18th Busan International Video Art Festival

  • Location: Busan, Republic of Korea
  • Deadline: Jul 7 2024 at 12:00PM

The call for submissions is open for the 18th Busan International Video Art Festival (BIVAF).

Submissions are available for two weeks, from 24 June to 7 July 2024. The guidelines below provide more details. The submission link will be accessible from 24 June. The 18th edition of the BIVAF will be held from 5 to 27 October 2024.

Busan International Video Art Festival (BIVAF) serves as a platform to support global artists and present unique perspectives and untold stories in contemporary video art. With a focus on showcasing the latest trends, BIVAF amplifies voices that are often overlooked in mainstream international art events in Busan. In particular, the BIVAF supports artists who are thinking about contemporary socio-political issues and video as a visual medium.

Submission link(**Google Forms**): 


■ ELIGIBILITY & RULES― All works in video format can be submitted― An artist can submit one work― We only accept works produced from 2022 to the deadline

■ PRIZE― 1,000,000 KRW for prize-winner― Screening at the 18th BIVAF

■ DEADLINE & HOW TO APPLYPeriod: 24 JUNE ~ 7 JULY 2024 (KST)How to apply: Google Forms ( fees: Free

■ SELECTION & ANNOUNCEMENT― First selection board: the participating curators 2024 and the BIVAF committee― Final selection board: the jury composed of two experts and the BIVAF committee― The total number of selected works will be five, including one prize winner.― The selected works will be announced on our website and social media at the end of August 2024.

■ The 18th Busan International Video Art FestivalPeriod: 5 ~ 27 October 2024Venue: Space Heem (B1 & 2F, 3, Sumi-ro 50beon ga-gil, Suyeong-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea /*We will announce the partner space for this year later.

■ INQUIRIES[email protected]

■ HOSTED BYBIVAF Busan International Video Art Festival ■ SUPPORTED BYBusan Cultural FoundationBusan Metropolitan City