Channel Walkthrough with Spencer Chang

On Sunday, June 9, please join us for a Channel Walkthrough with Spencer Chang, who will take us through Gather, an offline-first mobile app for archiving, maintaining, and curating collections, with support for syncing your collections to channels.

This year, we’re experimenting with doing the Channel Walkthroughs a little differently. Whereas we used to ask four participants to share four unrelated channels, now we’ll focus on a single channel and the person, people, or group behind it. We’re thinking this will offer some nice cohesion, and allow us to spend more time with the channel, ask questions, etc.

We’re extremely excited to start it off with Spencer:

What: Walkthrough with Spencer Chang

When: Sunday, June 9 at 3pm PST / 6pm EST

Where: Zoom

RSVP here for the link