Open Call: Spiritual Machines

  • Location: Colonels Row 404A Governors Island, New York City, USA
  • Deadline: Jun 23 2024 at 12:00PM


What do we retain about our humanity through cultural shifts that leave us accelerated far beyond what our ancestors dreamed of? "Spiritual Machines" is an exhibition at Flux Factory on Governors Island that presents interdisciplinary artwork including ritual, performance, digital art, and artifacts that respond to our current condition of technological advancement. We are seeking work in any medium that responds to artificial intelligence, hybrid humans, what is real in an increasingly virtual world, and what cultural practices we are retaining, revisiting, and evolving along with us. The exhibition will be installed in the first floor of the house, and there will be 1-2 days of performances. It will run from August 17 to September 22, 2024.


Proposals due June 23.