Digital Identities Over Time Online Exhibition

Come along to the ‘Digital Identities Over Time’ online exhibition, where we will be showcasing work by Anshul RoyJeanne Jo and Mac Andre Arboleda. These artists took place in a virtual residency programme to explore futures of digital identities.


The works presented will explore and provoke questions relating to how our identities might be presented online; the tensions between our choice to identify versus the unwilling consent to be identified within such systems; and the implicit violence and erasure of marginalised identities within such systems as a result data capture, monitoring and profiling.


The exhibition consists of three distinct works that are presented as part of a larger interactive experience. The exhibition seeks to provide a space to provoke debate and conversation about what it might mean to create ‘good’ digital identities, by both surfacing the known potential for ‘digital bad’, but also creating space to discuss more optimistic opportunities for ‘digital good’.


The two hour launch event will comprise:

a guided tour through the interactive exhibition

live performances and introductions to work by artists

concluding with a roundtable discussion with artists and selected commentators, to further discuss the work and theme.