Rant/ Rant Back/ Back Rant

Rant/ Rant Back/ Back Rant is an ongoing performance work by Peter Sinclair and G.H. Hovagimyan. The work was performed in 2003 at La Gaite du Lyrique in Paris, France and the Splitski festival in Split, Croatia. Documentation can be viewed at
For the 2004 series the work will be performed in the Netherlands August 23rd at the Groningen Museum and August 27th at Steim in Amsterdam.

There are two performers; the ranter and the processor. In English the word "rant" means (verb) to talk in a noisy, excited or declamatory fashion or (noun) a bombastic, extravagant speech. The processor listens to the ranter and grabs live audio which he outputs to loud speakers.

The ranter hears the processed sound clips and responds. The performance can be likened to to a musical jam session using digital signal processing. In society you often see ranters on the street. They talk about the current events or shout about people in power etc. They often speak the truth. We listen with one ear while pretending not to hear. The two performers process the information in a feedback loop, in real time. What then is the content? It's information gleaned from TV, newspapers, conspiracy theories, hearsay, paranoid delusions etc.

The raw material for the 2003 rants are presented in a blog

For the 2004 rants a new blog has been set up