Karaoke Court

  • Type: event
  • Location: The Yard Theatre 2A Queen's Yard Hackney Wick London E9 5EN
  • Starts: Jun 23 2016 at 8:06PM
  • facebook link ↱
Karaoke Court
Jack Tan
23 June 2016, 7pm till late

Karaoke Court is a live performance and arbitration process where participants agree to resolve their disputes by singing karaoke before an audience-jury. Litigants will select, prepare and perform songs as a way of resolving their disputes with each other. The performances are overseen by the Karaoke Court judge, who invites the audience as ‘jury’ to decide who should win each case before making a ruling. The processes and decision of the Karaoke Court are made legally binding via the participants’ signing of an arbitration contract beforehand. A work of performance art by Jack Tan, Karaoke Court is inspired by Eskimo and Inuit tradition of Song Duels, where litigants presented grievances to the entire community for judgment in the form of humorous and satirical song.