Launch of is born!

By automatically reading and re-transcribing random Wikipedia articles, rebuilds a machine-misheard version of Wikipedia.
Wikipedia is the world's most famous archive of knowledge and, in a way, a description of our world; but it relies on quantity and not on quality. We know it contains errors, partial interpretations, unverified information and so on, but still it's our first help when we want to retrieve some knowledge. We trust and hope that what we are reading is a precise, exhaustive and objective analysis of reality.
Misheardpedia is a website which contains machine-misheard versions of Wikipedia pages. Misheardpedia wants to question such mediated models of knowledge and visions of reality proposed by the World Wide Web, also raising awareness about the fact that the virtual realm may be piloted by companies, and that the information that appears on a computer screen is not always what users find, but what search engines want them to find.

Misheardpedia is conceived as a hybrid work between net-art, sound-art and hacktivism.