Law's Imagination - Legal Aesthetician certificate / arebyte Gallery

arebyte Gallery is pleased to announce, as part of Jack Tan's curatorial residency 'Law's Imagination', a free 6 meeting course exploring the different aspects of the relationship between art & law.

Join a specially curated training course of educational artists' talks, walks, and roundtable discussions exploring the aesthetic and artistic aspects of law facilitated by Jack Tan with invited speakers and guests. Complete the course to 'qualify' as a certified Legal Aesthetician!

This course is part of a gallery education programme in Jack Tan's curatorial residency at arebyte, LAW'S IMAGINATION, and delivered as a mock training course in order to simulate the lived reality of training for qualification and the continuing professional development required in formal legal practice.

Course programme:

11 May - Course orientation | Artist's talk by Jack Tan
18 May - Architecture and Theatricalities of Legal Power
25 May - Crafting Justice - process, praxis and the law
1 June - Wilderness & Law | Artist's talk by Flora Parrott
8 June - Performing Rules | Artist's talk by Marco Godoy
15 June - Objects & Objectivity - judging things

23 June - Graduation Ceremony at Karaoke Court hearing

Limited spaces so book your place:

Please let us know if you have any questions