
  • Type: event
  • Location: arebyte Gallery Unit 4, 49 White Post Lane Queens Yard E9 5EN
  • Starts: Apr 17 2016 at 6:04PM
  • facebook link ↱
Artists: Patrick Lichty, Erik H Zepka and David Quiles Guilló

17 April - 30 April 2016
Thurs – Sat. 12 – 6pm
and by appointment

Private View: Sunday 17 April, 6 – 9pm

Facebooks is a series of exhibitions in art galleries, art museums, art institutions and art biennales around the world, featuring a selection of unique printed books with facebook timelines by prolific artists who make facebook a part of their daily practice. Facebooks is an art project interested in providing a theoretical context around the question of online presence and its cultural and sociological ramifications.

What we think about is how we construct ourselves in terms of our representation online and conversely how social media and corporations reconstruct and hand these identities back to us as a form of product. ‘Social Books’, ‘friend day videos’, and the like define nervous lines along social and algorithmic curation as forms of corporate definition of our collective identity. What then, when someone places their life online, and allows it to be algorithmically curated into an artifact like a ‘social book’, what do we have? We have an intense curiosity about who we are offline, how Facebook curates us and how strange artifacts like social books and algorithmically constructed Facebook videos show our lives through a dim mirror. So, by proposing this show, we question the Zuckerberg model of culture, and and ask some really interesting questions publicly.