JOB OPPORTUNITY - Australian Network for Art and Technology

The Australian Network for Art and Technology is looking to employ a person to research sound art in Australia.

The ANAT Embracing Sound Project (esp) is intended to research and profile current Australian sound art over a one year period. The Sound Program Manager¹s role will be to research and profile current practice in sound art, this would include critical writing, participation and attendance of festivals, liaising between ANAT, funding bodies and the sound community.

You will be able to work independently and form and maintain national
networks. Your ability to write successful grant applications and engage
with sponsors will allow you to expand and continue the role. The role is open to people from all states and territories of Australia, but being able to readily connect with the sound community in Australia is key to the role's success.

Please download a job description from:

More info:

Gavin Artz
08 8231 9766
[email protected]

Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT) is supported by the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, State and Territory Governments; the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body, and the South Australian Government through Arts SA.