Art Povera Sundance :Fresco of a Fragment codagram: Sundance A computer art povera version of the semiotic strip down some archive systems consider I maintain a labyrinth anticipating its torus in which the composition symbolizes the drawing while the text mapping imitates code. psychological colloids of art and language collectively meaning production between virtuality and metaphysics in terms of discourse via archive as collection, archive as color-osmotic environmental stain of state and philosophic bracket towards the software argument. AS much as to say Apollonian and Dyonesian in terms of the mediation or “attunement… bow-lyre…. (bolero)… call it a string theory of tropes. Fresco as originary in cyber art analysis of color /? Orphism as stain color – overtones of slidework.. .> biological niche and neurological model of media semiotics to philosophic bracket/”throwness” of material reference- fresco over day, gradients in praxis/: riddle of the sphynx-Oedipus-anti Oedipus if against Oedipal Intellectualism- light of day prismatic virtuality revising nature as idea/: tropes of Anthropos…anti-entropy… Picking up on throwness : motion sensor drawing through photo and period photo arguments…gauging nature of language as art& language revised movement to revising motion past indices…