CALL FOR PAPER:"Interactive Communication Design Systems"

CALL FOR PAPER:"Interactive Communication Design Systems" conference session

CCCT2007 International Conference on Computing,Communications and Control Tecnologies, Orlando,Florida,USA. July 12-15,2007

We invite designers,artists,researchers and practitioners from the art-design, media arts,informatic sciences and scientific disciplines to submit their paper on interactive systems/artworks.
We appreciate creative technologies project applications.

The suggested topics and related areas(but not exclusively these)are:Visual art/design,Interaction design,Human Computer/Interfaces, Mobile applications,Networks,New Media,Computer graphics,Virtual reality,Multimedia,Artwork devices,Installations,Electronics,Art Tools,etc.

Full format submission details (paperCCCT.pdf) are available on request to: [email protected]

All the accepted papers will be published into the Conference Proceedings and the selection of best papers will take part of a special issue of the JSCI(Journal of Systemics,Cybernetics and Informatics) scientific journal.

Important Date
Submission deadline: June 11, 2007

Send your paper to: [email protected]
info: [email protected]

The author(s) of the accepted paper will be contacted by email.

Dr.Gianluca Mura
[email protected]
CCCT2007 Invited Session Chair