Nifca New Media AiR residency program

NIFCA - Nordic Institute of Contemporary Art introduces
NEW MEDIA AiR, a residency program dedicated for new media

Themes for the residency program are:

1. Software art and software tools for artists
- Art projects implemented as software, or art projects
that have an essential software component
- Projects dealing with the concept of software
- Creative tools for artists

2. Sound/audiovisual performances and installations
- New media art that manifests itself as a performance,
event or installation and extends beyond the screen.

Following residencies are available for 2003
in Nordic/Baltic region:

Estonia : Tallinn - E-Media Centre + Artists' Union
Finland : Helsinki - Sibelius Academy CM&T + NIFCA
Latvia : Riga - RIXC + Artists' Union
Norway : Bergen - BEK + Hordaland Kunstsenter
Sweden : Stockholm - Splintermind + Studio House Malongen
and Gothenburg - Natverkstan + Konstepidemin
Russia : St. Petersburg - PRO ARTE Institute

Nifca has also established an artist residency exchange
program with following countries/organisations:

Canada : Montreal - SAT
Great Britain : Huddersfield - The Media Centre
Portugal : Lisbon - ZDB

Artists from Nordic region (and from Estonia, Latvia and
Russia) are eligible to apply for all the residencies.
Artists from the residency exchange countries (Canada,
Great Britain, Portugal) can apply to the residencies
in Nordic/Baltic region.


The application form and more information is
available at

The selections will be made before the end of November
2002 by an international panel: Atle Barcley (Atelier Nord,
Norway), Alain Mongeau (MUTEK, Canada), Casey Reas
(Interaction Design Institute IVREA, Italy), Olle Huge
(Beeoff, Sweden).

New Media AiR is a NIFCA program designed by Juha Huuskonen.