Network as Material: An Interview with Julian Oliver.

Network as Material: An Interview with Julian Oliver.
 Taina Bucher interviews Julian Oliver, the Berlin-based media artist and programmer at the Subtle Technologies festival in Toronto. Where he taught a workshop on the Network as Material. The aim of the workshop reflects Oliver’s artistic and pedagogical philosophy nicely; to not only make people aware of the hidden technical infrastructures of everyday life but also to provide people with tools to interrogate these constructed and governed public spaces.

Julian Oliver is a New Zealand born artist-inventor, teacher, writer and programmer based in Berlin. His work explores artistic game-development, virtual architecture, interface design, augmented reality, data forensics and open source development practices. In 1998 he established the art and games collective Select Parks and subsequently became a major figure within artistic game-development, creating several important works in this field, including qthoth (1998-1999), Fijuu2 (2006), levelHead (2007-2008) and the Artvertiser (2008-2011). These last two focus on augmented reality as a platform for intervention, interaction and sculptural design.

Taina Bucher is a PhD fellow at the University of Oslo, Norway in Media Studies. She works on the relation between subjectivity and software in the context of social networking platforms. During 2010 she was a visiting scholar at New York University and will be a guest researcher at the Infoscape Research Lab at Ryerson University, Toronto spring 2011. She holds an MSc in Cultural Sociology from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Her research interests include: software studies, media aesthetics, social media, attention, and visibility.
A living - breathing - thriving networked neighbourhood - art, technology & social change - claiming it with others ;)
Furtherfield – online arts community, platforms for creating, viewing, discussing and learning about experimental practices at the  intersections of art, technology and social change.