xxxxx workshop_10 Berlin

A (more-or-less) weekly series of constructivist workshops emphasising
making and connection within the field of the existent.


28th April 2PM. ap/UNIX process: dd, cat, FIFO, pipes for PD, jekyll,
i_am, leaks with ap/xxxxx

An artistic exploration of the UNIX philosophy chaining small software
artefacts together with code and data pipes to form new, active
structures. The roster of core programs such as dd and cat with pipe
symbols at the commandline will exploited for audio and visual
programming alongside ap/xxxxx custom code including jekyll, i_am, leaks
and others within a workshop engaging promiscuous noise generation.

RSVP [email protected] with interest as places are very limited

Course fee: 10 euros


U2, Rosa-Luxemburg-Pl.
U8, Rosenthaler Pl.