April issue of Furthernoise.

Welcome to the April issue of Furthernoise, where as always we have a host of new reviews and sounds for your reading and listening pleasure. Our latest net release, Explorations in Sound, Vol. 4 is still getting lots of attention and is available to download from the net label page of the site.
So sit back, turn the volume up and enjoy !
Furthernoise issue April 2011
Furthernoise is an online platform for the creation, promotion, criticism and archiving of innovative cross genre music and sound art for the information & interaction of the public and artists alike.
Furthernoise encourages new methodologies and practices in creating adventurous music and sound that is not bound by the constraints of historically experimental genres. We showcase artists work through critical reviews & features as well organising performances and events on the internet as well as public venues and galleries.
A non profit organisation that was established in 1999 by Marc Garret and Ruth Catlow as the sister site to London based digital / net art organisation Furtherfield. All our activities are resourced by the passion, ideas, exploration and skills of the Furthernoise team and the contribution of our diverse international membership of artists and audience.
Roger Mills
Editor, Furthernoise