Digital Bodies

Digital Bodies

The arrival of virtual environments and augmented realities have had a distinct impact on the way we interact with the world. These types of simulations cause new relationships between the observer and what is being observed and affect our senses and experiences in ways that are more dramatic and monumental than ever before.

The Digital Bodies series considers what the future world might be like, both visually and experientially, when the real and the virtual collide. The hybrid of synthetic and organic realities is already underway, and the effects of this synthesis will reveal interesting changes in the way we go about our everyday lives. Not only will our ways of doing things change substantially but the tactility of our contact with the environment will alter as well.

There are many possibilities that we could imagine occurring in the near and distant future. The ability to control robotic entities remotely, capture, translate, and output from neural firings into language, create avatars and interact with them in virtual worlds, access directions to any location in the world through our cell phones, or even learn how busy a particular cafe is through augmented reality applications. These are minor changes; yet, they have opened up access to a more united habitat; breaking down traditional borders and opening up a network of information that is incalculably immense.

Eventually the separation between the real world and the virtual will become seamless as we slide from one mode of being into another.

-Patrick Millard
