
Revisiting… has always felt proud to be working with people who dare to explore beyond traditional remits at the intersections of art, technology and social change; whether writing about it, making it or curating it.

The array of artworks, activities and outlooks that make up this community is not only diverse, it is always immediate and present, alive and kicking. We are not yet jaded by the opportunities the Internet provides to own, shape and exchange our own cultural production and celebrate the varied and talented individuals and groups who share with us, this ever expansive and dynamic culture. So, we thought it worth reminding you how alive things really are, by inviting you to revisit the reviews/articles/interviews which have been published on the website since the end of January this year, 2010.

Below is a selection of those reviews…

Decode: Digital Design Sensations at V&A.
Rob Myers reviews the Victoria and Albert Museum's exhibition
Decode: Digital Design Sensations. Framed as a digital design
show, but it's a landmark survey of art computing in all but name.

SMartCAMP: The Arts on the Social Web. Review by Angela Ferraiolo.
Part of New York's Art Week, SMartCAMP, or social media art camp,
took place on March 5th and 6th, at the Roger Smith Hotel in
New York, a slightly unusual kind of place in that it's a hotel
with its own production company.

An Interview with Chris Dooks. Interview by Marc Garrett.
A 'Polymath' exploring various creative avenues, making his art
using different media. Whether it be directing arts-based TV
documentaries, explorative psychogeographical projects, design,
composing and making music or audio visual installations.

F.A.T Lab at Transmediale.10.
Article/interview by Marcello Lussana and Gaia Novati.
F.A.T Lab (Free Art and Technology Lab) were found causing
trouble at the Transmediale.10 this year. Marcello Lussana and
Gaia Novati were intrigued to find out what all the fuss was
about - some observations and an interview.

HTML Color Codes. Review by Susan Ballard.
The Internet exhibition features a selection of internet based
artwork that address the topic of digital color. The central
question that the exhibition poses is whether or not artists
working with the internet are in fact limited to a "ready-made"
color palette, a premise that many artists working with film,
photography, and mass produced, standardized paint sets have

Transmediale.10 - Futurity Now!
A collaborative review by Marcello Lussana and Gaia Novati.
This year's edition of Transmediale explores the theme futurity
now through connections between arts and technology. Marcello
Lussana and Gaia Novati take us through some of the highlights
of the exhibition, conference programme and satellite events.

Digital Pioneers. Review by Rob Myers.
At the V & A Museum, An overview of the first decades of the
computer's history in art and design. including some of the
earliest computer-generated works in the V&A's collections,
many of which have never been exhibited in the UK before.

If not you not me. Article by Ruth Catlow.
This essay accompanies If not you not me, an exhibition of
networked performance art by Annie Abrahams. While social
networking sites make us think of communication as clean and
transparent, Abrahams creates an Internet of feeling - of
agitation, collusion, ardour and apprehension.

Mark Napier's Venus 2.0. Review by Angela Ferraiolo.
Venus 2.0 consists of software written by the artist that
collects images of the body parts of Pamela Anderson, an
erotic icon of our time, from the hundreds of pictures of
her available on the Internet and recreates a mobile,
three-dimensional figure out of these flat, fragmentary pictures.

Representing Labor: Ten Thousand Cents and Amazon's Mechanical Turk.
Review by Madeleine Clare Elish.
Madeleine offers here a review of Ten Thousand Cents, a
project by artists Aaron Koblin and Takashi Kawashima.
Although she acknowledges the beauty of the project
Madeleine points to its conceptual ambivalence.

Link to all reviews & interviews: believes that through creative and critical engagement with practices in art and technology, people are inspired and enabled to become active co-creators of their cultures and societies.