When two amorphous images are in visual contact with each other, there will be a shapely between these unless or until this are in equilibrium. It is not a good idea to create an amorphous image space without any mirror image support. This is a conservation of an image connection. It may refer to the two ways that a closed space transferring to and from its surroundings, by the process of intuiting (or construing) an amorphous space. The real or imaginary boundary in an amorphous space of an image shape is determined by the image event of these two processes. The amount of an image place in a constant process cannot be greater than the space showed.

Seeing moving space as an image event, if a space moves in a forward direction and one, as a moving image on space, observer will never see the image reform. Images are “jumping” all the time, but never reforming. Therefore, the constant of any unique image place stage is zero. If an amorphous image process happens to have half-image face about quickly, there are two images stages, related by an image-reversal-symmetry, so the dimensionless image constant becomes the record of two images. That is the image for the whole space on any amorphous image. Basically, an amorphous image can not reach an absolute zero space.

Accordingly, images with large associated forms take long time to visualize. For an image of any complexity some of the realization in the amorphous image process could be a two-view image system. The image *viewed* through a first space, to excess image elimination, generating a mirror image which is stored in a shape. The second process sorts the mirror image, which is then shaped in a quicker image to be visualized.

This alternative approach is to use a concise image form together with indirection spaces. This will reduce shape requirements and performance time. It is convenient to re-use a constant image space form used as in excess of space elimination. The previous space is reduce and convenient. There are two new images and deleting the excess of shape will keep a constant image space form programmed associate for a faster generated image.

In the development of an amorphous image process there is a similarity to the development of feeling from reason, of emotion from language. Emotion = image; language = process. Image shape comes about as the result in return action of two or more intellectual emotions; an amorphous image process occurs from the image impinged of two or more image processes.

Consequently, an amorphous image space represent the possibility of expressing a new image world, because it offer a brewing scenario of an intuitive vision, and during the lapse of the image process, it transform artistic intuitions without having to change images, only transforming it for the benefit of harmony.

Meanwhile most people cannot discover what matter about an amorphous image process and its space-related effect; I can consider what matter about it, as an original and authentic question for a research and experimentation on images transformation.
